Anand Sadashiv Pendharkar
HOD Message Applied Mechanics
Designation: HOD
E-mail Id: anand_pendharkar@rediffmail.com
Applied Mechanics Department is the only department with maximum revenue generation through testing of building materials and consultancy work. Faculty of this department is teaching subjects like Applied Mechanics, Mechanics of Structure, Strength of material, Concrete Technology, Geotechnical Engineering, Theory of Structure, Design of RCC and Steel Structures and Advance Design of Structures. These subjects are from Civil and Mechanical Engineering programs. The department is having four well established laboratories as Applied Mechanics Laboratory, Strength of Material Laboratory, Concrete Technology Laboratory and Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory. Laboratories are having Digital Universal Testing Machine of 400 kN capacity and Compression testing Machine of capacity 2000kN. We carry out various test on building construction materials such as Cement, Sand, Coarse Aggregates, Bricks, Steel, concrete cubes, Cement Blocks, Paver Blocks and various other metals. Consultancy work in area of Inspection of ESR, Third Party Audit of Civil Engineering works such as ESR, Nagarpalika works etc. Thank You.
Vision & Mission

Department Vision

Department Mission

We are committed to
Provide Learning ambience using ICT, open source teaching.
Offer continuing education programs to fulfill the needs of Industry & Community.
Establish sustainable relation with parents & alumni.
Offer globally accepted certification programmes in field of Computer Science & Engineering.
Our core values are
- Faculty & staff development.
- Transparency
- Equity